Win a Photo, a CD, or a Gift Card…Help Bring Them Home!

Mallory and Peach are two little angels with Down Syndrome, currently living in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. They have never known the love of a mother’s arms, the protection of a loving father, the blessing of a family. They own nothing of their own…no clothes, no toys, no soft blanket to snuggle up with at night. They are lost in a sea of little faces, two precious babies among hundreds who are in desperate need of love. Peach, the baby, needs heart surgery very soon to save her life.

But for these two little girls, all that is about to change!

Mallory and Peach have a family here in the US that is committed to bringing them home! A family that already loves them, already counts them as members of their family. They have a mother whose arms are aching to carry them out of that orphanage, take them home where they are loved and wanted and will be cared for in every way. They have a father who longs to protect them and bring them the joy and security that all children deserve. They have brothers and sisters longing to meet their new sisters.

Let’s help bring these two sweet girls home! I feel confident that I am not exaggerating when I say that adoption is saving these girls’ lives, giving them hope that they would otherwise not have.

So without further ado…I am offering three prizes up for raffle to help raise funds to bring the girls home! Here is how it works: Please donate any amount to the family’s fund on Reece’s Rainbow or Chip In fund, and your name will be put in a hat. In two weeks, I will draw three names from the hat. If your name is drawn, you will receive….

First Prize: A beautiful 8×10 photo print from The Least of These (your choice of the photos below).

These photos are the brainchild of A Simple Country Girl, who sells them and donates all proceeds to help orphaned children and those in need. Please go and check out this unique ministry! When I contacted her about the fundraiser, wanting to buy one of the prints, she offered to donate the print and ship it to the winner! (please click an image for a larger view)

Second Prize: A CD by Christian music artist Steele Croswhite. Check out his music here

Third Prize: A gift card for $15.00 at Bath and Body Works. Who couldn’t use a little pampering?

So there you have it! Please, donate today. The family has a donor willing to match funds up to $5,000, but only for a little longer! Your money…whatever amount you’re able to give…will go twice as far if you donate now.

Will you please help me get the word out?
Facebook this fundraiser, Tweet it, Blog it…pass it on to friends and family. Please help get the word out quickly! Little Peach needs to come home soon!

And bless you for your donations and help.

NOTE: If you can’t get the Chip In link to work, please go to the family’s blog and click on the Chip In widget on the right sidebar. I’m trying to figure out why it won’t work here!

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