
Rubicon I have worn out my soles pacing this pebbled shore eyes grown weary watching the distant other I have the courage, I think to cross the water cast my paper boats adrift  set them afire, watch them blaze down the river like burning stars against a watery blue sky. all that holds me here […]

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  seeds take them in your hand spilling over through trembling fingers they pour sliding, one over another smooth brown seed coats flow broadcast them wide sweeping out let them fly through open hands released, a gift cotyledon-encased embryos sow wait for them now taking root in rich soil while your hands, empty fold and […]

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My admiration to you who came before me, in your dress that brushes worn plank floors there in some cabin, far from everyone your hands are about laundry, your mind about the azure sky above scrubbing thread-bare daughter-dresses knuckles against the washboard and children laughing through tall grass that waves like an ocean, silvers in […]

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Closer In the azure place where earth and sky collide and stone rises, turns its cool face to sun’s radiant caress in the soft sound of water falling, whispering a thousand voices distant in its wake in the lush expanse of fragrant green where future meadows sway in seed-heavy blades are we closer, somehow to […]

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