Dear Almost-Nineteen Year Old: An open letter to young adults and their parents

An un-named 19 year old lighting his birthday candles with a blow torch Dear Almost-Nineteen, Do you have a moment? Just a little time to chat, I won’t keep you long. You’ve got things to do, I know. Set it aside a moment and walk with me. Listen, I don’t want to preach. I know […]

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Does God Care about Our Happiness? A Book Review of The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee

I have to confess: I have always been a bit of a happiness skeptic. Sure, I know that God intends us to have deep and abiding joy. But somehow the term “happy” seemed to be joy’s cheaper, less durable knock-off. In addition to this, there have been plenty of times in my life that the joy […]

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A Letter to My Daughter on Her 17th Birthday

How can 17 years have passed so quickly? When you were born, it seemed so far away…these teenage days, these wrapping-up years where adulthood is right around the corner. Oh, everyone says it as you hold your newborn close, press your cheek to that tiny downy head: “Enjoy these days now, because before you know […]

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Water is Life

Posting over at The Lulu Tree this week… World Water Day is this month, March 22ed. As I write this, the kitchen sink a few yards away is dripping and I am feeling bad that we are wasting water. It reminds me of the time a waterline broke deep beneath our driveway and a river […]

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