Love…on how the world’s love is broken, and God’s love redeems

Dear Friend!

A first for this blog…sharing this talk I gave in October, because the subject is dear to my heart. Here I am with “ums” and “uhs” and word-fumbles unedited, but I hope that what comes through is this:

Friend, God loves you with a perfect love that only He can offer! (Tweet this) He knew all about you before you were born, and He waited for you with excitement. His greatest desire is to be your Father, your daddy and His love comes with no strings, no provisos, no escape clause. He will never forsake you, never leave you, never forget you, never harm you, never stop loving you. His perfect love is there for you,


Give it a listen, as you do the dishes or fold the laundry or drive the carpool? Thanks, friend!

All my love (broken though it is),



This year at church our Women’s Ministry is going over the attributes of God. You can listen to more talks on this subject here or find other talks I’ve given here.

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