The start of the school year is just around the corner! I have alternately been trying hard to ignore this fact (where-oh-where has summer gone?) and working hard to prepare for it. Shelves must be cleaned and dusted. Books must be gone over, sorted, boxed or shelved. Supplies must be purchased and then a place for them must be found. I’m feeling alternately excited and overwhelmed!
I found a little inspiration over here at Ann Voskamp’s, I love the book shelves that keep books facing out so that kids can see the covers. In fact, I love everything about Ann’s homeschool room. One day, I hope to have a room large enough that most of our school happens there. For now, I have a Homeschool House.
The end of the summer is coming too fast, I’m hoping that in the next few weeks I feel a little more rested, more able to start something new. For now, I’m trying to find ways to gently and joyfully transition into the school year.
Indeed my friend, it is that time of year again!
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