Gratitude Journal…Days of soft light and gentle sounds
The days are short, night wrapping round to darken morning and dampen the hours of sunlight on snow.  We are overloaded, full to bursting, struggling to find balance and order but it is an overload of love, and therefore a burden easier to carry.  It seems to be a season of soft light, a season of gentle sounds as we tend to Baby and try to remember how we did it in the old days, those days of diapers and feeding schedules and late nights (or is it early mornings?) sitting in the half-light, feeding and rocking and soothing softly.  School has started and I have no idea how to accomplish everything that needs to be done while caring for a newborn babe, and we are going to have to learn this on the fly and the beauty of it is that we are learning to give each other grace despite many fumbling and bumbling and grace-less moments.  I don’t know where this is going and how it will all turn out or how long we will be in this place, and I am learning how to be OK with that, to take it a day and a week and a step at a time. I am grateful beyond words at my children’s willingness to love, to share, to help, to give selflessly.  I am overwhelmed by my church family’s love, support and offers of assistance.  I will write about it soon, sort it out with words.  For now, I take the moments when I can do nothing but feed and rock and choose to see them as a gift, an invitation to live in the moment and quietly be in the soft light of now.
511. For everything foster care has taught me
512. For the golden glow of Christmas lights
513. For the strength to go the next step
514. For organizational aids
515. For quiet moments amid the storm
516. For church family, helping hands and loving hearts
517. For a husband after God’s own heart
518. For vacuuming the last of the pine needles off the carpet
519. For nap time
520. For grace under pressure


8 thoughts on “Gratitude Journal…Days of soft light and gentle sounds

  • January 4, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    “We are overloaded, full to bursting, struggling to find balance and order but it is an overload of love, and therefore a burden easier to carry.”

    Could you find a more beautiful sentence anywhere? I am glad that you are finding peace amidst the chaos.

    I just stumbled on your blog after some sort of gluten-free search I was doing on Google. Needless to say, this blog is so much more than that! I am just head-over-heels for your writing.

  • January 5, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    As always an absolutely, amazingly beautiful post!

  • January 8, 2011 at 7:45 pm

    First: that is exactly the way my sister, whom I love so much, eats her black olives – exactly. Made me smile.

    Second: You SO sound like you are living your year in “his will”. I still pray for you to stay there and bask in THAT warm glow.

    I heart your words.

    God Bless you and your husband and all of yours

  • January 12, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    What a beautiful blog! I love the gratitude journal. (Found you through inCourage).

  • January 16, 2011 at 10:30 pm

    Oh my goodness Erica! I had no idea of the big changes that had taken place….I’ve been out of the loop for a while due to illness. You are a foster mom to two little one! How well I relate to that one! 🙂

    What a blessing it is to give of your heart and home…and what a blessing babies are! But LOTS of work! I will keep you and your family and the little ones (and their bio family) in prayer!


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